Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You often do your activity directly,,,

You often do something with no preparation,,,

You often do something and you don't know you done,,,

You always do something with no think it before,,,

Have been ever you think that everything you done before is nothing??? Eventhough it made you satisfied, but after that you get nothing. For instance, you are studied and you never failed with your study.  But you never think what your reason in study, you never think what your goal with your study.  And you think you successed???????

There are many people in the world believe and do something that inspirate from a shoe's box that write "Just do it".  And fact, there are many people follow it.  They just try with no think the advantage and the disadvantage of that.  They do it and just hoping to get the best of that.  But they never think what if they get not the best and they get the worst, they will get fustation.  They will be down.  And they never do something new, and they can't increas they brain because they won't do it again.

And now, I want to ask you to think again.  If you do something with thinking before it, will you get the best??

I think if we do something with our brain, we can minimize risk that will we get if we do it.  And we can antisipate the risk if we get it at last.

Beside that, with thinking, we can know something that we done is right or not.  We can choose activity that make a lot of benefit to us, so we never get nothing from everything we done.

And also, many people will be know us, we will get more price, more knowledge, an many more. They will be aware us.

And with our thinking, other people will make us be a very important person in a community.  So we can make them to follow what we think. We can make an influence to them, because they never think and they just do something about what we say.

So, do you think people that live with no thinking appropiate to get alive?

They just can be a spam in the world.

And fact, they just get violance from the thinking person,,,,

Billahi fi sabililhaq, fastabiqul khairat,,,,


  1. pearlwhy said...
    emm, interesting
    Anonymous said...
    terlalu byk bpikir,rontok rambut za ae..
    kdg lgsung bbuat pun,lbh mnyenangkan..
    it's depend on situation...i think...ho3
    REZA said...
    pearlwhy: thx,,,,

    anonim: klo g mkir, mang kmu mw d suruh2 tp kmu g tw ap yg kmu kerjain??

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