Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We always do all the things we have in everyday life. And we thought that all we have to do is the result of our hard work. And believe that it is all a result of what we have to do before.
Many understand secular thought that all that he has shot is the result of their ownself. For instance He became smart because he was learning, He became healthy because he was trying to maintain health, he became rich because he was working hard and many other examples.
Understand as it is not wrong, but will also not correct. We must know that we have a god, Allah SWT. Allah who has given us all things that we have in ourselves. Allah who has given us health. Allah who gives us knowledge. So, do we deserve akan proud what we have had?
I give you one story that just before I get during the morning lecture. Although it is not too similar to the original story, I will try to tell it. At the time, Allah, prophet Adam AS, and angels are having a dialogue, Allah ask the prophet Adam AS to mention the name of the plants and the result prophet Adam AS can answer it. Then Allah ask the angels to mention the name of the plant, but the angels can not answer it. Allah tells them why prophet Adam AS can answered and the angels can not answered. This is because Allah has given the knowledge to prophet Adam AS, and does not provide that knowledge to the angels.
So, do we still deserve to proud with what we already have? And you need to know that all we have is a loan from Allah. And we should be grateful of it.
Labels: Religious
Friday, May 22, 2009
There are several factors that caused Muhammad SAW to be a successful leader. They are :
1. Belief (faith) is strong, recognition (justification) with the heart, sounding, by the tongue, demonstrated through action and body.
2. Fair, able to cause a sense of justice equally to all people without exception. Justice of the Prophet is never sacrificed in the name of any such reflection of Allah's teachings, "Do not make your hate to a nation that will make you do not apply fair" (QS 5:8). Prophet aware that justice is the correct window in order to realize a prosperous society.
3. Affection, he actually led with the touch of love, empathy and sympathetic that there is no counterpart that is presented to all the people. Once the love of the Prophet to the people-up to the words that came out of his mouth when his last breath as an evidence of love is, "ummati ... ummati ... ummati"
4. Fathonah / smart, a leader who has intellect, and good words that take a proof of his intelligence particulars. When he speaks, the words that always really save the depth of meaning.
5. Amanah, he never promised except a promise that completed.
6. Shidiq / Honest, leaders always say true (shidiq). He is very familiar that the words that will bring not only the influence of the environment but can also carry consequences later in the Hereafter. He always be guided to the principle, "When can not say the truth, and honest is better still."
7. Tablig , he gratitute every truth and align every thing which is considered a blunder. In his hands there is no truth that is hidden. Furthermore, in gratitute of truth, he do so in ways that wise (al-wisdom) said a polite word (al-al-hasanah mauidzhah) accompanied reason and logic is solid (al-mujadalah)
Labels: Public Figure
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
President of Iran at this time: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during an interview by Fox TV (USA) a matter of personal life: "When you look in the mirror every morning, what you say on your self?" The answer: "I see people in the mirror and say him: "Remember, you no more than a servant, in the days before the full weight of responsibility, namely the Iranian nation. "
Here is a description of Ahmadinejad, who make people surprised:
1.When you first take office presidentship, he donated the entire carpet Palace Iran a very high value to the mosques in Teheran and replace it with a regular carpet that is easily cleaned.
2. He observed that there is a very large room to accept and respect the VIP guests, and he was ordered to close the space and ask the protocol to replace it with a normal room with 2 wooden chairs, although still modest visible impresive.
3.In many instances he talk with the cleaning services around the home and office presidentship.
4.Under his leadership, when he request his ministers to come to him and ministers will receive a signed document containing the ways from it, especially once the referral is to emphasize the ministers to live simple and mentioned that the account and close relatives will be monitored, so that the ministers when the occupation ends can leave the office with the head upright.
5.His first step is tell the wealth and property consisting of a Peugeot 504 year 1977, an ordinary house inheritance his father 40 years ago in a dirty area in Teheran. HIs bank account is minimum, and the one that incoming money is money monthly salary.
6.His salary as a lecturer at a university is only worth U.S. $ 250.
7.For additional information, the President still living in the house. It is the only thing that he has as a president of the country that are important both strategically, economically, politically, not to mention the oil and defense. Even he does not take his salary, why is that all of the welfare state is the property and it is duty to guard.
8. One thing that impressed the staff presidency is the bag that he always carried carry it every day always includes breakfast, bread, cheese bread or the content of the prepared and ate with his wife happy, he also stopped providing food habits which is devoted to the president.
9.Another thing is that he change the policy Aircraft Flying Presidency into cargo planes so that people can save tax and to themself, he asks for flying with the aircraft with a normal economy class.
10.He frequently holds meetings with his ministers to get info about the activities and efficiency tah they done, and he cut the palace protocol so that ministerscan go directly to his room without any obstacles. He also stop ceremony habits such as red carpets, photo sessions, private or publication, or something that time to visit various places in the country.
11. When he stays at the hotel, he was given a room without a request where you do not sleep too much because he does not like sleeping on the mattress, but prefer to be sleeping on the floor carpet and a blanket. Is this behavior demean the position of president? President of Iran in the sleeping room separated from the house after the sentry bodyguards that always follow wherever he went. According to the newspaper Wifaq, Images that was taken by his brother, and published by news media around the world, including the United States.
12.Throughout the prayer, you can see that he does not sit in the front row.
13.Even when the reverb sound azan, he directly pray wherever, even he is just use a carpet.
14.He also did not want to shake hands with women who are not his muhrim, just as lower the head to give a respect.
Labels: Public Figure
First time I was born, I am treated by my parents. Several years later, because they are busy, I am treated by my neighbor, she is my second mother, I always called "mama iyah". In her place, I has a familiar friend, mama iyah's nephw, his name is iki. and my mother said, he was my friends since I was in the belly. But my parents still think of me, so they commend me only half a day in that place.
When I was five years old, we moved house. in the new environment, I still do not have friends, this might be because of my less sociable. However, I have slowly began to have many friends.
In elementary school, I began to busy myself with the press of the school. I always leave early and return late afternoon, this is the lack of time to play with my friends and I have started forgetting my friends. And my friends do not like it. Then they keep away from me.
I feel lonely even though I busy with activities at school. I find a friend, which friend is the friend who could be capricious, can be shared, and so forth. And I find a friend in my own classroom. indeed in the first time, he makes us annoyed, but because there is a match with one another, so I forced to. hehe,,,His name is isan, we always going together from elementary to senior high school. At that time, we always together, play together, go home together, especially when I got my first operation, he is the only one of my friends visited me in the hospital. Besides, we take guidance of the same study, such as sempoa, LBIB LIA, TPA, etc.. Almost all the activities that we follow is always the same. Even a bath together, but still in the half-naked... hehehe,,,
In junior high school, we are still together. Although the different classes, we always stay together. At that time also, I found new friends who also fit with me. So we can be harmonious trio, his name is wanda. I like the most is that time we all roads angkot ride home if the school back quickened, go to Gramedia, or whereever we want, not at all clear.
at the high school, I was the same class with isan for two years. But our class with wanda also not too far. So we still frequently capricious. During high school, I and isan busy with paskibra, so that we meet the intensity decreased slightly. But in one week, we have always come together, at least in the field, play football in Lambung Mangkurat. And often when saturday night, we do not date with our girlfriend, we even gather in isan's house, and kidding until morning. Or we can also play PlayStation whole night. Or we can also go watch football in TV, because I just can watch it in isan's home, my parent did not let me to watch TV.
But, now we are separated. Determine the way we have of each. Isan now residing in Germany, wanda still in Banjarmasin, and I am in Malang. But I believe, at the time we have grown, we will meet again, and I will show to you that I am the most successful, I have a wife who is the best among you ...
I miss U all,,,,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
1. Prepare Hardware Server & Cabling System
The right Server Hardware Selection must fit the budget provided, Networking, Routing, Cabling, RackMount, etc. And is set well that may facilitate the process of Management Server and the documentation must be done.
2. Prepare OS Server & Security Protection
Elections OS server must same as License in compliance with the OS or the FreeLicense. Application security protection (ISA Server, BlackIce, Fortigate, Linux, FreeBSD, SmootWall, MonoWall, etc.).
3. Prepare Server Connection
Elections Connection Server also includes determining the ISP that will support the service if the Publish Server, or accessed via the Internet.
4. Prepare Server System
Server System that must be prepared here on the local hard drive, Data Storage Server (RAID System Replication & Storage), LAN (Load Balancing, Cluster, etc.), Backup Strategy (Technical Data Backup / Tape Backup, etc.).
5. Prepare Optional System
Backup Connection, Mirror Server, Server Co-Location, Hidden Server, etc.
Thanks to MR 007 that give it to me,,,
You are the one people where I ask,,,
Labels: Information Technology
If you want to buy a new dekstop or laptop, you will have the best hard disk drive in it.
And I believe, you are so confuse to get the best hard disk drive usage.
Now I don't want to tell you which is better, but I just give you the character of SATA and SAS. I want you to compare them yourself, and you choose it yourself to.
Drive Strengths:
~ SATA :
Lowest cost per GB
~ SAS :
Best price for performance
Applications :
~ SATA :
Reference data (Sensitivity to Environmental Vibration)
Non-mission critical applications (near-line storage, data tubs)
Entry level servers and bulk storage
~ SAS :
Transactional data (Performance for Rigorous Environments)
Mission critical applications(online transactions, banking)
Main stream servers and storage
Reliability :
~ SATA :
Desktop class architecture
8 to 10 hours, 5 days a week 50% duty cycle
~ SAS :
Enterprise class architecture
24x7x365100% duty cycle
Warranty :
~ SATA :
1-year warranty
~ SAS :
3-year warranty
Thanks to Mr Handaka who teach this to me,,,,
Labels: Information Technology
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Indonesia has a good ideology. But according to you, the state ideology indonesia is already good enough?
I don't want make this be a long text. I just want you to read my argument. An I hope you all give me comments with my opinion.
"Ideologi Indonesia is Pancasila. There are many that fuse this ideologi. But there is one person that be an important person behind it, he is Soekarno. He is the first president of Indonesia, the builder of proklamation. So, he is the one that choose Pancasila become ideology Indonesia. But why in the midst of his leadership, he left Pancasila, and change into Union Repiblic Indonesia or in Indonesia we call RIS(Republik Indonesia Serikat). I think it means the ideology Indonesia has weakness, that's why he left it. And I think if somethings that have been abandoned by the author is called waste. So, Pancasila is a waste."
And now, I would like to ask you to think with me, "WHY WE STILL USE THE WASTE AS OUR IDEOLOGY?"
Labels: My MInd
Banjarmasin is a capital city of Province South Borneo/ south kalimantan. Banjarmasin has a various range of custom house that symbolizes their area.
The costum House are :
~ Bubungan Tinggi
~ Gajah Baliku
~ Gajah Manyusu
~ Balai Laki
~ Balai Bini
~ Palimbangan
~ Palimasan (Rumah Gajah)
~ Anjung Surung (Rumah Cacak Burung)
~ Tadah Alas
~ Lanting
~ Joglo Gudang
~ Bangun Gudang
I can't explain the character of each costum house, but I just can explain the character generally.
Oke,,, now I want to explain the character of that :
~ Construction of wood, because Kalimantan has lots of forests. Architecture stems from the traditional 'timber architecture' developed in this tradition because people in banjarmasin not known in the cement ago.
~ Architecture is the home stage or (rumah panggung in banjarmasin language), the structure houses are 'elevated', stand for the construction of wood, mostly ironwood (kayu ulin in banjarmasin language). Main structure is wooden stake from the ground up to the roof, and there are also beam-girder which help strengthen the floor.
~ Have a principles as a symmetrical, the same shape and number of windows on both sides.
~ Some buildings have Anjung, that is prominent in both the right and left side and lying in the back of the building.
~ Used a shingle roof is made from ironwood. Sago palm leaf roof of rumbia is also known. Saddle-shaped roof construction.
~ Has a ladder on the front and back, with the number of level are odd; five, seven, or nine.
~ Also have just 2 outdoors; in front and behind, there is no other door because the house is symmetrical form.
Labels: Culture
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I want to write this because I had a small debate with my friend. And he said that hacker is a bad person, hacker always do a bad thing, and many more.
At first, I want to clarify about 3 kinds of networker. They are hacker, cracker, and carder. Because in Indonesia hacker has a bad meaning, so I will call hacker with white hacker and cracker with black hacker.
1. Hacker or white hacker
is a personal or a group of people that hack with a POSITIF meaning and looking for the weakness of a security system or a software and rebuild the security system that found(confim the weakness to the owner of system or software). And they want to tell their own identity brightly, there is a real structure of organization and responsibility to their ownself and the organization. And they want to share about their knowledge to public.
2. Cracker or black hacker
is a person or a group of people that hack to their ownself and aim to broke, stole the data or information, manipulate the data, to their benefit, or it just for fun. But they don't want to show their identity to public because they know they are wrong. And they are usually live individually, they don't want to communicate with other.
3. Carder
is a person or a group of people that use many technique in hack to get the data about people's credit card and use it to their ownself.
I think it was the clarification of job at network in my mind....
If you want to add, please comment me, so we can share our knowledge to other,,,
Labels: Information Technology
Sunday, May 10, 2009
One of my friend contact me and ask me something about C++,,,
I already forgot it, but I try to do it, and at last I can finished it,,,, because I think it was not too dificult,,, it was too easy to me,,,,
Array script :
# include
# include
# include
# include
void main()
int i, j;
int angka[5][5];
int tambah_brs1 = 0, tambah_brs2 = 0, tambah_brs3 = 0, tambah_brs4 = 0, tambah_brs5 = 0, tambah_klm1 = 0, tambah_klm2 = 0, tambah_klm3 = 0, tambah_klm4 = 0,tambah_klm5 = 0;
char coba;
cout<< "Luthfina Ariyani"<
/*** Input ***/
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
for(j=0; j<5; j++)
cout<< "Data ke- " < cin>> angka[i][j];
/*** Output ***/
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
for(j=0; j<5; j++)
cout<< angka[i][j];
cout<< " ";
cout<< endl;
//Penambahan Baris 1
for (i,j=0; j<5; j++)
tambah_brs1 = tambah_brs1 + angka[0][j];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada baris pertama adalah "<
//Penambahan Baris 2
for (i=1,j=0; j<5; j++)
tambah_brs2 = tambah_brs2 + angka[1][j];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada baris kedua adalah "<
//Penambahan Baris 3
for (i=2,j=0; j<5; j++)
tambah_brs3 = tambah_brs3 + angka[2][j];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada baris ketiga adalah "<
//Penambahan Baris 4
for (i=3,j=0; j<5; j++)
tambah_brs4 = tambah_brs4 + angka[3][j];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada baris keempat adalah "<
//Penambahan Baris 5
for (i=4,j=0; j<5; j++)
tambah_brs5 = tambah_brs5 + angka[4][j];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada baris kelima adalah "<
cout<< endl;
//Penambahan Kolom 1
for (j=0,i=0; i<5; i++)
tambah_klm1 = tambah_klm1 + angka[i][0];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada kolom pertama adalah "<
//Penambahan Kolom 2
for (j=1,i=0; i<5; i++)
tambah_klm2 = tambah_klm2 + angka[i][1];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada kolom kedua adalah "<
//Penambahan Kolom 3
for (j=2,i=0; i<5; i++)
tambah_klm3 = tambah_klm3 + angka[i][2];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada kolom ketiga adalah "<
//Penambahan Kolom 4
for (j=3,i=0; i<5; i++)
tambah_klm4 = tambah_klm4 + angka[i][3];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada kolom keempat adalah "<
//Penambahan Kolom 5
for (j=4,i=0; i<5; i++)
tambah_klm5 = tambah_klm5 + angka[i][4];
cout<<"Hasil penambahan pada kolom kelima adalah "<
cout<<"Coba lagi ? (Y/N) :";
while (coba=='y' || coba== 'Y');
this is from my friends will,,,
and she wants me to say her name,,,
and she is The most spectacular gal in da world.. Luthfina ariyani..haha,,,
nb: she wants me to write like that,,,,
Labels: Information Technology
Now, I want to explain about the difference of dekstop and server specificly:
-Number CPU:
Dekstop: 1
server: 1-8
benefit : more CPU enable increased performance
-Memory Protection
Dekstop: N/A
Server: yes
benefit : allow continued memory operation in the event of a single memory device failure
-Networking speed
Dekstop: p to 1 Gbps/sec
Server: up tp 8-10 Bbps/sec
benefit :faster network speed to move data between client and server more efficiently
-Network Scability
Dekstop: 1 Gigabit Connection
Server: Multyple Gigabit Connection
Benefit : real server feature multiple gigabit connection. if one connection fails, another can take it place
-HD/Memory/Power supply redudancy:
Dekstop: N/A
Server: Available
Benefit: reliability
-Greater Memory Capacity
Dekstop: 4 GB
Server: up to 512 GB
Benefit: additional memory can increase performance and extend the usefull life of your server
-Hotplug HD/Memory/PS
Dekstop: N/A
Server: yes
Benefit: no down time
-Hd Capacity:
Dekstop: up to 500 GB
Server: up to 4,8 TB
Banefit: more capacity
Labels: Information Technology
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
You often do your activity directly,,,
You often do something with no preparation,,,
You often do something and you don't know you done,,,
You always do something with no think it before,,,
Have been ever you think that everything you done before is nothing??? Eventhough it made you satisfied, but after that you get nothing. For instance, you are studied and you never failed with your study. But you never think what your reason in study, you never think what your goal with your study. And you think you successed???????
There are many people in the world believe and do something that inspirate from a shoe's box that write "Just do it". And fact, there are many people follow it. They just try with no think the advantage and the disadvantage of that. They do it and just hoping to get the best of that. But they never think what if they get not the best and they get the worst, they will get fustation. They will be down. And they never do something new, and they can't increas they brain because they won't do it again.
And now, I want to ask you to think again. If you do something with thinking before it, will you get the best??
I think if we do something with our brain, we can minimize risk that will we get if we do it. And we can antisipate the risk if we get it at last.
Beside that, with thinking, we can know something that we done is right or not. We can choose activity that make a lot of benefit to us, so we never get nothing from everything we done.
And also, many people will be know us, we will get more price, more knowledge, an many more. They will be aware us.
And with our thinking, other people will make us be a very important person in a community. So we can make them to follow what we think. We can make an influence to them, because they never think and they just do something about what we say.
So, do you think people that live with no thinking appropiate to get alive?
They just can be a spam in the world.
And fact, they just get violance from the thinking person,,,,
Billahi fi sabililhaq, fastabiqul khairat,,,,
Labels: My MInd
Monday, May 4, 2009
What is a server???
Server is a high performance computer that providing network data.
If we want to make a server, we have to know some important thing and give it to our server. they are :
- Must have one or more processor
- Must have large amounts of memory
- Must have large amounts of storage
- Must have fast I/O subsystem
Server support two to thousands of client. And it must works 24 hours x 7 days, it means server always works everytime, it never stop. Server can share services to users and have multiple applications with no high-power graphics. And the most important, server have to have internet connection. Also we need the best security system to protect our data because data that save in server is the most important data with the clients.
The function of server is to share data, printers, modems , and applications, such as email.
To make it clear, I give you the different of server and dekstop.....
Server :
- Up to 8 Intel/AMD processors
- Up to 512-144 GB ECC memory
- Fast PCI slots
- Low resolution video
- SATA and SAS drives
- No sound system
- Shared monitor, keyboard, and mouse
- 24 x 7 availability
- Redundancy
- Hot-pluggability
Dekstop :
- One processor
- Up to 8GB memory
- PCI slots
- Fast, high-resolution video
- SATA and IDE drives
- Sound system
- Single monitor, keyboard, and mouse
- No redundancy
- No hot-pluggability
I think I just know about this, I hope you all can increas our knowledge each other...
And I got this knowledge from the leader or HP company,,,
Labels: Information Technology
I think you all know about a statement that say "Practice makes perfect". Do you think it' right or not????? Have you been think about this???
I want to ask you to think together,,,
If we want to do samething and it need the best of us, for example when we will get an exam. Do you think you have to study hard??? And you have to study everytime and everywhere to get the best score of it???
But at last, have you been ever get fail of the exam?? Eventhough you studied hard, studied as many times as you have, and always repeat the lesson everytime.
And you feel dissatisfied of that, and you think everything you done is nothing????
So, are you still believing about statement that say Practice makes perfect??????????
But I can't say it was a wrong statement, because there are many people believe this and make it become his principle.
But if I may recorrect the statement, I'll change it into "Perfection makes perfect".
I think of that because if we do something with our perfection, we will get the best of that. Eventhough we don't study hard, we don't study everytime, we can get the best of our job if we get all of our perfection. If we give our perfection to do something, whatever the result, we never feel dissatisfied, we always feel satisfied because we gave our bet to do that.
thank's 2 isan that inspirate me,,,
Labels: My MInd