Monday, May 4, 2009

I think you all know about a statement that say "Practice makes perfect".  Do you think it' right or not?????  Have you been think about this???

I want to ask you to think together,,,

If we want to do samething and it need the best of us, for example when we will get an exam.  Do you think you have to study hard??? And you have to study everytime and everywhere to get the best score of it???

But at last, have you been ever get fail of the exam??  Eventhough you studied hard, studied as many times as you have, and always repeat the lesson everytime.

And you feel dissatisfied of that, and you think everything you done is nothing????

So, are you still believing about statement that say Practice makes perfect??????????

But I can't say it was a wrong statement, because there are many people believe this and make it become his principle.

But if I may recorrect the statement, I'll change it into "Perfection makes perfect".

I think of that because if we do something with our perfection, we will get the best of that. Eventhough we don't study hard, we don't study everytime, we can get the best of our job if we get all of our perfection.  If we give our perfection to do something, whatever the result, we never feel dissatisfied, we always feel satisfied because we gave our bet to do that.

thank's 2 isan that inspirate me,,,


  1. Anonymous said...
    thank's 2 isan that inspirate me,,, <--- WHO inspirate me^^,,,,,,,

    Wat de hell is that mean?..Wkwkwkwk^^,,,

    Not the "perfection" makes perfect, but Allah,,,,(^^,)V
    Anonymous said...
    wew..eaeaea..gwa kira bhasa bnjar pnya tdi..
    kga taux bhasa dewo semua..wkwkwkwkw

    swt gwa bacax...
    intix bguslah dah semua...

    REZA said...
    oke ,,,,
    d baca trus y,,,,
    Insya Allah tiap hri aq posting

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